23 Kasım 2010 Salı

Laura_4_ecofriendly is now following you on Twitter!


Laura_4_ecofriendly (@Laura_4_ecofrie) is now following your tweets (@Clean_it_Green) on Twitter.

1 568 98
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20 Kasım 2010 Cumartesi

The ACGTA is now following you on Twitter!


The ACGTA (@TheACGTA) is now following your tweets (@Clean_it_Green) on Twitter.

Bio Global professional association focusing on governance & assurance practices relating to Green IT, Carbon Management, Smart Grid and Energy Technology.
76 1,973 775
tweets following followers

You and @TheACGTA have a follow in common:

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Welcome to Twitter, Clean_it_Green!


Welcome to Twitter, Green Cleaning (@Clean_it_Green)!

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